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Interpreting Matric Results

It is important to understand what options your child has, and the type of opportunities that can help you support them as they make their own decisions, and what the child may want to do in terms of the school and career development opportunities available for them.

There are different types of levels of achievement once the learner has completed their Grade 12 and it is important that as parents you know the implications of these levels.

Levels of achievement in the NSC

These symbols will appear on a matric certificate.

B Bachelors Pass Can apply to University if they meet the requirements
D Diploma Can apply to University of Technology if they meet the requirements
HC Higher Certificate Can apply to TVET but must check requirements
SP Senior Pass Limited options, may need to rewrite 1 or 2 subjects
F Fail Further study may not be possible unless subjects are rewritten

Try to provide guidance for them or even contact the Career Development Services for a Career Adviser and talk about options available.

Contact details: 086 999 0123 OR send an SMS or "please call me" to 072 204 5056.

Get in touch today:

086 999 0123
072 204 5056
National Khetha Walk-in,
123 Francis Baard Street,

Our Partners

To become our partner, a formal agreement in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement or Implementation Protocol with DHET Career Development Services is required. For more information click here.