Registered Private Higher Education Institutions
The registration of an institution is very critical, if an institution is registered that means it is functioning within the confines of the law of South Africa which determines how such institutions should operate. This also speaks to the quality, standard and comparability of the qualifications produced within that institution. When checking if an institution is registered you need to check for 2 things.
1. You need to check if the institution is registered
Checking an institution's registration status means you are finding out if the institution is registered within the Republic of South Africa to operate as an academic institution. It complies with the standards, regulations and legislation that defines academic institutions. In essence registration is the inclusion, by the DHET, of a non-state-funded body that offers any education or training programme that leads to a qualification or part-qualification registered on the NQF, and that meets the minimum criteria set by the DHET for providers allowed to operate in South Africa. Registration is a pre-requisite for accreditation by the relevant Quality Council.In order to find out if an institution is registered, you can click here or contact the DHET helpline on 0800 87 2222 and ask them if your institution of choice is registered.
2. You need to check if the institution is accredited to offer the qualification of your interest
Checking an institution's accreditation status means you are checking if the institution is accredited to offer a specific qualification. This means that the institution complies with the minimum requirements required in terms of resources and standards required to offer a particular qualification. An accredited institution is one that is a legally established institution (public or private) that has been recognised, usually for a particular period of time, by a Quality Council or its appointed agent, as having the capacity or provisional capacity to offer a qualification or part-qualification registered on the NQF at the required standard.
For more information go to:
Department of Higher Education and Training