Test and exams
It is important that as a parent or guardian you are involved in your child's studies so that you may be able to assist them with their homework, study skills and preparations for exams. This section talks about how a parent can provide a solid support system for their child throughout their career development process.
Your role as a parent in helping your child during the test and exam Periods
Exams do not only affect learners or students but everyone (parents, guardians, siblings or our support structure). During exam time, learners and students experience a lot of anxiety, therefore a strong support system from their families is needed. Supporting your child through test and exam period starts with developing small helpful habits like assisting them with homework, encouraging them to study and teaching them how to balance their time. It is important to remind your child that studying does not start at the point of taking major tests or exams only, but is an on-going process instead. Studying usually starts with activities such as spelling at early stages of child education or helping a child with homework throughout their school life .It is also important to help your child with revision in preparation for tests and exams before they commence.
Things that you as a parent should consider to help your child:
- It may be helpful to ask your child what support, if any, they would like from you during exams: For example, would they like you to be available for discussions, or to transport them to school for some extra classes, or provide any additional resources, or even to help them draw up a realistic revision plan?
- You need to make sure that you provide a suitable environment for study: You may need to make sure that noisy and disruptive younger siblings are out of the way or at least kept busy and quiet for most of the day.
- Make sure that they are looking after themselves: It is also important to make sure that your child is getting enough sleep, and plenty of exercise or take breaks in between their studies and as a parent you can also try to assist with providing healthy snacks or food.
Ideas to help you as a parent and your child get through the test and exams period:
1. Make sure that your child sets study goals as per their study time table and exam time table
Encourage your child to prioritise the subject that they find difficult or have more workload. If he/she is writing two subjects on the same day, they can prioritise the most difficult one.
2. Know your child's exam time table or schedule
Ensure that the table or schedule is placed where it will be visible so it can be a reminder. Example you can pin a copy of the examination timetable on the kitchen fridge. Make sure you are aware when your son or daughter has to be in the examination centre or has an exam.
3. Ensure your child is present for each paper
Make sure they are up dressed and ready each morning for their test or exam.
4. Make a checklist of daily requirements, based on each day's papers
Make a final check each morning before you leave home ensuring your son or daughter is fully prepared for the day's exams. Writing instruments should be checked, along with the other requirements such as rulers, erasers, calculators, etc.
5. Take note of the subjects that have more than one paper and discuss the relevant content that your child has to study.
6. Listen to the story of their day - and move on
After each day's examinations, allow your child to recount to you their daily story. Do not be tempted to review in detail the errors or omissions they may have made in answering the paper in question. Such conversation may lead to increase stress levels. Simply allow them the time and space to tell their story and move on.
7. Help them to focus on the next day's papers
It can be helpful to review the next paper. Simple questions, like “What is up next?”, “Are there any compulsory sections?”, “Are there any predictable questions?” and so on, can be useful in helping students plan their study schedule for the time available before the next exam.
8. Help them to maintain a balanced routine
You should ensure your child maintains a proper balance between study and rest. After an exam, they need time to rest and recharge before they can do any beneficial study for the next paper.
9. A good night sleep always improves examination performance
All study should end at least an hour before bed to allow the student to unwind. Falling straight into bed from the study desk means the student's mind will be buzzing for hours as he/she attempts to fall asleep.
10. You are what you eat
As a parent, you should try to ensure that your child eats and drinks nutritious food during the coming weeks. What you eat and drink affects your performance in any field of activity, especially one involving mental sharpness. Nibbling on junk food is very tempting at stressful times they must try to avoid this.
11. Do not overhype the importance of any examination
Make it clear to your kids that your love and regard for them is in no way dependent on how they perform in the Junior or Leaving Certificates. This affirmation is the best gift you can give them on the eve of their exams.
12. Make sure your child continues to mix with friends and family
Do not isolate the child encourage them to have contact with their peers this can help them to maintain their spirits during the exam period. You can also support them and lift their spirits when they are taking a break from their studies.
Things to avoid when assisting your child prepare for exams
- Avoid comparisons: Children are different and unique human beings avoid comparing your child's performance with his/her siblings or classmates. Comparing them to others may lead to setting yours and their expectations either too high or too low.
- Unrealistic expectations: As a parent you should know your child's performance, his/her abilities and strengths. Assist him/her to set realistic and achievable goals to avoid unnecessary pressure.