What is the difference between Internship, Learnership and Apprenticeship?
An internship is on the job training for an individual with a qualification looking to gain experience relevant to what they studied or wish to do in future as a career.
An apprenticeship combines theory, practical work and workplace practice in a chosen trade field, and in the case of a listed trade ends in a trade test and an artisan certificate of competence.
A learnership is a vocational education and training programme that facilitates the linkage between structured learning and work experience in order to obtain a registered qualification.
It combines theory and workplace practice into a qualification that is registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). A learnership usually constitutes 120 credits or 1200 "notional" hours of learning.
Where can I apply for Learnerships, Internships and Apprenticeships?
Opportunities such as these are usually advertised on national and local newspapers, companies’ website, social media, radio stations etc.
These opportunities are also sourced and published on our website to apply for internship, learnership or apprenticeship opportunities click here.